Final Reflection silk screen

Well, I cant believe that the school year is almost over and that means that Mixed Media is over, which sucks even though sometimes this class would be really stressful, it was still fun and it was one of my favorite classes. The last project that we worked on was the social issue silk screen t-shirt. First we had to think of a social issue that we felt passionately about so I chose human trafficking because it can be happening right in your neighborhood and you won't even know what's going on, also it affects little children which makes it even worse. So after I chose my social issue I had to find a picture to use for the t-shirt and I found a picture of a girl with her hands bound reaching towards the sky. I thought that was a really strong and meaningful picture so I asked Lexi if I could tie her hands and photograph it, and she said it was fine. After I got the picture I turned it into a black and white stencil looking picture. After that I made the picture as a transparency. Then I went back and printed out the words "slavery still exist" because human trafficking is another form of slavery that's going on in the present day. I also put that into a transparency so that I could overlap it onto the hands reaching out. I think that would be very cool and the words would be red while the rest of the picture would be black and white. I think that makes a really powerful point in a simple way. I didn't know what to do after I got those done and everything was just chaotic so I asked Lisa what I was supposed to do next and we came up with an agreement that I just wasn't going to finish on time and that I should just do my blog. So i came to terms with that but in the end of class I decided to go to class after school and finish the project. I can't wait to see how it turns out. This semester we have had some really cool projects like the 5 Square Composition where we made a book out of two of those squares, the Crayon Concept Piece where we melted crayons with "hot" or "cold" colors onto a water color paper, the Animal Head Mask which was really cool but stressful, the Vinyl Record Stencils where we had to do a stencil of our favorite singer or band and spray paint the stencil onto the record, and finally the Social Issue Silk Screen t-shirt. These projects were all cool but my favorite were the Crayon Concept Piece and the Vinyl Record Stencils. I liked the Crayon Concept Piece because I thought that it was really awesome seeing the crayons melt into amazingly cool rivers of color and I really liked how creative I got to be with coming up with the words that fit how my melted crayons turned out, and in the end I was really proud of how it turned out. I also like doing the Vinyl Record Stencils because it was just a great learning experience. Even though doing the stencil was really frustrating trying to get the picture to come out right, it was still really cool spray painting and I just liked the whole process, even if it was time consuming :) The projects that I necessarily didn't like where the 5 Square Composition Book and the Animal Head Masks. I didn't like the 5 square composition because it was hard to come up with how to arrange the pictures and on top of that, making the books was cool but it was still hard and frustrating and I just don't think that it was something that fit me artistically. I also didn't the animal head masks project because it was just so long and frustrating! There was so many things to do and it was just overwhelming. I wasn't proud of how my piece turned out, I didn't even finish it which makes me even more mad. I think that this project would've been better if we had more time, or less things to do. Other than that this semester of Mixed Media Art has been amazing and I'm so lucky to have gotten the last spot in the class, that was so awesome, so i guess it means that I was supposed to be in this class. I am really going to miss Lisa because she helped me so much and I don't know how she could help everyone in the class all the time without going insane, but she did it and I'm so glad that I got to be in her class. I hope that sometime in my high school career I can be in an art class with Lisa again. For now I'm just happy that school is over and that it's finally SUMMER BREAK!!! :D
I am so glad I got to know you in class. I loved your t shirt so much I wanted you to make tons of shirts. I have enjoyed watching you gain more confidence. I would absolutely love to have you in class again. Enjoy your summer!